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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fairy Tail Eps 40-48

Fairy Tail
Link Download:
mini kyuubi fairy tail 40 720p am team - Date upload: 31/3/2012 4:06 PM Size: 90.42 MB
mini kyuubi fairy tail 41 720p am team - Date upload: 31/3/2012 4:06 PM Size: 90.39 MB
mini kyuubi fairy tail 42 720p am team - Date upload: 31/3/2012 4:06 PM Size: 90.40 MB
mini kyuubi fairy tail 43 720p am team - Date upload: 31/3/2012 4:06 PM Size: 90.40 MB
mini kyuubi fairy tail 44 720p am team - Date upload: 31/3/2012 4:06 PM Size: 90.45 MB
mini kyuubi fairy tail 45 720p am team - Date upload: 31/3/2012 4:06 PM Size: 90.41 MB
[mini-Kyuubi] Fairy Tail 46 [720p] [AM-TEAM] - Date upload: 30/3/2012 12:43 PM Size: 90.41 MB
[mini-Kyuubi] Fairy Tail 47 [720p] [AM-TEAM] - Date upload: 30/3/2012 12:43 PM Size: 90.30 MB
mini kyuubi fairy tail 48 720p am team - Date upload: 30/3/2012 10:52 AM Size: 90.40 MB

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fairy Tail Eps 123

Fairy Tail
Link Download:
mini kyuubi fairy tail 123 720p am team - Date upload: 30/3/2012 10:52 AM Size: 89.40 MB

Monday, March 26, 2012

Kamen Rider Fouze 2011 [OnGoing] 27

Kamen Rider Fouze 2011 [OnGoing]

The series focuses on Gentaro Kisaragi, a second-year student at Amanogawa High School (天ノ川学園高校 Amanogawa Gakuen Kōkō, "Amanogawa" translates as Milky Way) who has a bad-boy image but seeks to make friends with those he meets at the school by forming a Kamen Rider Club for investigating the urban legends of the past Kamen Riders in the area. He is joined in the club by Kengo Utahoshi, who has a strange switch-like device called an Astro Switch, along with access through his locker to a lunar base called the Rabbit Hatch (ラビットハッチ Rabitto Hatchi) and the super-bike known as the Machine Masshigler (マシンマッシグラー Mashin Masshigurā), and Yuki Jojima, a self-professed space otaku who also knows of the Astro Switches and the lunar base. They are opposed by third-year student Miu Kazashiro, a cheerleader and the self-appointed queen of Amanogawa High; assisted by Shun Daimonji, third-year student captain of the school's American football team; Tomoko Nozama, a first-year student and Goth girl who always carries around her tablet computer; and JK, another first-year student who often trades secrets for favors. The second-year homeroom teacher and classic literature teacher is Sarina Sonoda, who all of her students trust, and Chuta Ohsugi serves as the school's geoscience teacher. There is also a mysterious red-eyed man who is seen around Amanogawa High who gives out mysterious items called Zodiarts Switches (ゾディアーツスイッチ Zodiātsu Suitchi), which transform people into constellation-themed monsters known as Zodiarts (ゾディアーツ Zodiātsu)
Link Download:
[VL] Kamen Rider Fourze - 27 [400p] [A740AFD5] - Date upload: 26-Mar-2012 Size: 152.65 MB
[VL] Kamen Rider Fourze - 27 [720p] [AF592292] - Date upload: 26-Mar-2012 Size: 253.93 MB

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fairy Tail Eps 122

Fairy Tail
Link Download:
mini kyuubi fairy tail 122 720p am team - Date upload: 23/3/2012 11:33 AM Size: 90.32 MB

Kamen Rider Fouze 2011 [OnGoing] 26

Kamen Rider Fouze 2011 [OnGoing]

The series focuses on Gentaro Kisaragi, a second-year student at Amanogawa High School (天ノ川学園高校 Amanogawa Gakuen Kōkō, "Amanogawa" translates as Milky Way) who has a bad-boy image but seeks to make friends with those he meets at the school by forming a Kamen Rider Club for investigating the urban legends of the past Kamen Riders in the area. He is joined in the club by Kengo Utahoshi, who has a strange switch-like device called an Astro Switch, along with access through his locker to a lunar base called the Rabbit Hatch (ラビットハッチ Rabitto Hatchi) and the super-bike known as the Machine Masshigler (マシンマッシグラー Mashin Masshigurā), and Yuki Jojima, a self-professed space otaku who also knows of the Astro Switches and the lunar base. They are opposed by third-year student Miu Kazashiro, a cheerleader and the self-appointed queen of Amanogawa High; assisted by Shun Daimonji, third-year student captain of the school's American football team; Tomoko Nozama, a first-year student and Goth girl who always carries around her tablet computer; and JK, another first-year student who often trades secrets for favors. The second-year homeroom teacher and classic literature teacher is Sarina Sonoda, who all of her students trust, and Chuta Ohsugi serves as the school's geoscience teacher. There is also a mysterious red-eyed man who is seen around Amanogawa High who gives out mysterious items called Zodiarts Switches (ゾディアーツスイッチ Zodiātsu Suitchi), which transform people into constellation-themed monsters known as Zodiarts (ゾディアーツ Zodiātsu)
Link Download:
[VL] Kamen Rider Fourze - 26 [400p] [AC1FC4AA] - Date upload: 23-Mar-2012 Size: 152.65 MB
[VL] Kamen Rider Fourze - 26 [720p] [0F055D1E] - Date upload: 23-Mar-2012 Size: 253.89 MB

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wanita Indonesia Nenek Moyang Penduduk Madagaskar

Paris (AFP/ANTARA) - Beberapa perempuan Indonesia menjadi pendiri dari koloni Madagaskar 1.200 tahun yang lalu, ujar para peneliti pada Rabu akan salah satu episode aneh dalam sejarah pengembaraan manusia.

Antropolog banyak yang terpesona dengan Madagaskar, karena pulau itu jauh dari sejarah penaklukan manusia di planet ini selama ribuan tahun.

Pulau itu kemudian menjadi tempat tinggal bagi penduduk asli Afrika serta orang Indonesia, yang terletak 8.000 kilometer dari Madagaskar.

Sebuah tim yang dipimpin oleh ahli biologi molekuler Murray Cox dari Massey University, Selandia Baru, meneliti DNA penduduk Madagaskar demi mencari petunjuk atas penjelasan teka-teki imigrasi tersebut.

Mereka mencari ciri-ciri yang diturunkan kromosom melalui garis ibu, dengan contoh DNA yang diambil dari 266 orang yang berasal dari tiga kelompok etnis Malagasi.

Dua puluh dua persen dari DNA itu memiliki variasi dari "motif Polinesia," karakteristik gen yang ditemukan di penduduk Polinesia, tapi sangat jarang ada di bagian barat Indonesia. Di salah satu kelompok entis Malagasi, satu dari dua orang memiliki karakteristik ini.

Jika hasil itu benar, maka sekitar 30 perempuan Indonesia menjadi pendiri dari populasi Malagasi "dengan kontribusi yang lebih kecil, tapi sama pentingnya, dengan yang berasal dari Afrika," ujarnya.

Penelitian itu berfokus kepada DNA mitokondria, yang diturunkan melalui ibu, jadi masih ada kemungkinan ada beberapa pria Indonesia yang tiba bersamaan dengan para wanita pertama itu.

Simulasi komputer menunjukan kalau pemukiman dimulai sekitar 830 AD, saat Indonesia sedang mengembangkan jalur perdagangan di bawah kekuasaan Kerajaan Sriwijaya di Sumatra.

Penelitian itu juga menunjukan kontribusi lain dari Asia Tenggara.

Secara linguistik, penduduk Madagaskar berbicara dengan dialek yang bila ditelurusi berasal dari Indonesia.

Kebanyakan leksikon, daftar istilah sesuai abjad, berasal dari bahasa Maanyan, bahasa yang digunakan di daerah lembah Sungai Barito di tenggara Kalimantan -- daerah pedalaman yang terpencil -- dengan beberapa tambahan dari bahasa Jawa, Melayu atau Sansekerta.

Bukti lain dari kependudukan Indonesia itu datang dari penemuan perahu cadik, peralatan besi, alat musik seperti gambang dan "kebudayaan makanan-makanan tropis" seperti budidaya nasi, pisang, ubi jalar dan talas yang dibawa dari seberang lautan.

"Madagaskar mulai ditempati sekitar 1.200 tahun lalu, terutama oleh sekelompok kecil perempuan Indonesia, dan kontribusi Indonesia -- seperti bahasa, budaya dan gen -- terus berlanjut mendomniasi Madagaskar sampai saat ini," ujar laporan tersebut.

Bagaimana cara 30 wanita itu menyebrangi Samudra Hindia untuk sampai ke Madagaskar masih menjadi misteri.

Salah satu teori menyebutkan kalau mereka datang dengan kapal pedagang, meski belum ditemukan bukti kalau wanita ikut dalam pelayaran panjang di kapal pedagang Indonesia.

Teori lain menyebutkan kalau Madagaskar dimulai dari koloni pedagang resmi, atau mungkin menjadi pusat pelarian pengungsi yang kehilangan tanah dan kekuatan di masa ekpansi wilayah kekuasaan Kerajaan Sriwijaya.

Tapi hipotesa ketiga -- dan yang paling berani -- menyebutkan kalau para wanita tersebut berada di kapal itu karena melakukan pelayaran antar samudra secara kebetulan. Pemikiran itu didukung oleh simulasi pelayaran menggunakan indikasi arus laut dan pola cuaca musim monsun, ujar tim Cox.

Memang, di Perang Dunia II, bangkai kapal yang dibom di dekat Sumatra dan Jawa terdampar di Madagaskar, bahkan dalam satu kasus, ada seorang penumpang selamat dalam sekoci penyelamat.

Penelitian itu dipublikasikan oleh jurnal Inggris, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Sumber: yahoo

Fairy Tail Eps 49-54

Fairy Tail
Link Download:
[mini-Kyuubi] Fairy Tail 49 [720p] [AM-TEAM] - Date upload: 22-Mar-2012 Size: 90.36 MB
[mini-Kyuubi] Fairy Tail 50 [720p] [AM-TEAM] - Date upload: 22-Mar-2012 Size: 90.42 MB
[mini-Kyuubi] Fairy Tail 51 [720p] [AM-TEAM] - Date upload: 21-Mar-2012 Size: 90.36 MB
[mini-Kyuubi] Fairy Tail 52 [720p] [AM-TEAM] - Date upload: 21-Mar-2012 Size: 90.38 MB
[mini-Kyuubi] Fairy Tail 53 [720p] [AM-TEAM] - Date upload: 21-Mar-2012 Size: 90.43 MB
[mini-Kyuubi] Fairy Tail 54 [720p] [AM-TEAM] - Date upload: 21-Mar-2012 Size: 90.43 MB

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kamen Rider Fouze 2011 [OnGoing] 25

Kamen Rider Fouze 2011 [OnGoing]

The series focuses on Gentaro Kisaragi, a second-year student at Amanogawa High School (天ノ川学園高校 Amanogawa Gakuen Kōkō, "Amanogawa" translates as Milky Way) who has a bad-boy image but seeks to make friends with those he meets at the school by forming a Kamen Rider Club for investigating the urban legends of the past Kamen Riders in the area. He is joined in the club by Kengo Utahoshi, who has a strange switch-like device called an Astro Switch, along with access through his locker to a lunar base called the Rabbit Hatch (ラビットハッチ Rabitto Hatchi) and the super-bike known as the Machine Masshigler (マシンマッシグラー Mashin Masshigurā), and Yuki Jojima, a self-professed space otaku who also knows of the Astro Switches and the lunar base. They are opposed by third-year student Miu Kazashiro, a cheerleader and the self-appointed queen of Amanogawa High; assisted by Shun Daimonji, third-year student captain of the school's American football team; Tomoko Nozama, a first-year student and Goth girl who always carries around her tablet computer; and JK, another first-year student who often trades secrets for favors. The second-year homeroom teacher and classic literature teacher is Sarina Sonoda, who all of her students trust, and Chuta Ohsugi serves as the school's geoscience teacher. There is also a mysterious red-eyed man who is seen around Amanogawa High who gives out mysterious items called Zodiarts Switches (ゾディアーツスイッチ Zodiātsu Suitchi), which transform people into constellation-themed monsters known as Zodiarts (ゾディアーツ Zodiātsu)
Link Download:
[VL] Kamen Rider Fourze - 25 [400p] [41EC798E] - Date upload: 13-Mar-2012 Size: 152.65 MB
[VL] Kamen Rider Fourze - 25 [720p] [79CD0939] - Date upload: 13-Mar-2012 Size: 253.94 MB

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lima Band Dalam Negeri yang Diam-diam Go International

Oleh Dimas Ario

Istilah “go international” kerap keluar dari bibir banyak penyanyi dan musisi tanah air. Namun tidak banyak yang benar-benar mewujudkannya. Dalam rangka Hari Musik Nasional yang jatuh tepat hari ini, tanggal 9 Maret, berikut adalah beberapa grup tanah air yang sudah menorehkan namanya di kancah musik mancanegara.

Mereka memang tidak sering menghiasi layar televisi nasional dan musik mereka juga tidak didengar oleh jutaan rakyat Indonesia namun mereka diam tapi pasti telah mengharumkan nama Indonesia di dunia internasional.

Selamat hari musik nasional!

Dari awal pemunculannya, grup musik asal Bandung ini sudah menarik publik musik internasional, khususnya Asia Tenggara. Mocca mengawali perjalanan musical mancanegara mereka di Singapura pada tahun 2005. Saat itu album debut mereka dirilis album oleh label asal Singapura, Fruits Records. Setelah itu album Mocca juga dirilis oleh label Malaysia, Jepang dan Korea. Di Jepang dan Korea inilah, Mocca mendapat basis penggemar yang besar. Tercatat sudah lima lagu mereka yang menjadi jingle iklan di Korea dan juga tampil dalam serial televisi di sana. 

Duo asal Bandung ini sudah menjadi langganan pada berbagai festival dan acara musik di Asia. Negara-negara yang telah mereka kunjungi antara lain, Malaysia, Brunei Darusalam, Cina, Singapura, Filipina.  Dan di tahun 2012, Bottlesmoker menambah daftar negara di Asia yang telah mereka jelajahi dengan jadwal panggung mereka di Thailand dan juga Vietnam. Penggemar mereka tersebar dari pulau Sumatera hingga dataran Cina. Duo yang selalu membagikan musik mereka secara gratis di Internet ini juga dirilis oleh  beberapa net label di Amerika Serikat dan juga di Eropa.
White Shoes and the Couples Company
Unit musik jebolan Institut Kesenian Jakarta ini menjadi bukti nyata bahwa musik dengan bahasa Indonesia juga dapat berbicara di pentas internasional. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, negara yang telah mereka tembus adalah Amerika Serikat yang dikenal memiliki pasar musik yang sangat ketat. Album perdana mereka dirilis oleh label asal Chicago, Minty Fresh yang sebelumnya sukses dengan band The Cardigans. Di tahun 2008, White Shoes and the Couples Company dua kali menyambangi Amerika Serikat. Pertama untuk CMJ Music Marathon dan SXSW Music Festival. Di tahun 2012, mereka mengadakan tur Eropa yang pertama dengan bermain di dua negara, Perancis dan Belanda. 

The S.I.G.I.T
Kuartet rock asal Bandung, The S.I.G.I.T (The Super Insurgent Group Of Interperence Talent) namanya juga kian kencang di kancah musik mancanegara. Setelah sempat dibahas dalam salah satu kolom pada tabloid musik NME di tahun 2005, album debut The S.I.G.I.T yang di Indonesia dirilis oleh FFCuts (sub divisi dari FFWD Records) juga dirilis oleh label Australia, Cavemen. Di bulan Juni 2007, The S.I.G.I.T tur sebulan penuh di beberapa kota di Australia. Setelah itu, tepatnya di tahun 2009, mereka kembali bermain di pentas luar negeri kali ini di Amerika Serikat dan juga Hongkong. Kini Anda dapat vote The S.I.G.I.T atau band-band lokal lainnya untuk mewakili Indonesia pada festival musik Rock and Roots yang akan berlangsung di Singapura akhir Maret 2012 ini.

Gugun and The Blues Shelter 
Trio asal Jakarta, Gugun and The Blues Shelter telah membawa musik Blues Indonesia ke kancah internasional. Gugun membuktikan bahwa musik blues tidak hanya milik musisi Afrika Amerika. Sejauh ini Gugun and The Blues Shelter telah bermain di Malaysia, Singapura, Shanghai dan Inggris. Pada panggung mereka di Inggris, Gugun and The Blues Shelter bermain bersama nama-nama besar seperti Bon Jovi, Rod Stewart dan The Killers. Album kelima mereka yang bertajuk Solid Ground dirilis oleh Grooveyard Records yang berbasis di New York, Amerika Serikat.

10 band indie lokal berkesempatan mewakili Indonesia di ajang Rock and Roots di Singapura? Siapa yang sebaiknya diberangkatkan? VOTE DI SINI!

Sumber : yahoo

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Attomic Kitten - Eternal Flame

Attomic Kitten - Eternal Flame[480p].avi
Link Download:

Atomic Kitten - Tide.Is.High

Atomic Kitten - Tide.Is.High[480].avi
Link Download:
Atomic Kitten - Tide Is High Megafun vn - Date upload: 8-Mar-2012 Size: 80.02 MB

Atomic Kitten - Someone like me

Atomic Kitten - Someone like me[420p].avi
Link Download:
Atomic Kitten - Someone like me Megafun vn - Date upload: 8-Mar-2012 Size: 30.05 MB

Ashlee simpson - shadow

Ashlee simpson - shadow[480p].mkv
Link Download:
Ashlee simpson shadow Megafun vn - Date upload: 8-Mar-2012 Size: 59.43 MB

ATC - Thinking of you

ATC - Thinking of you[576p].avi
Link Download:
ATC - Thinking of you DVDrip-duongtieu - Date upload: 7-Mar-2012 Size: 75.29 MB

Ashley Tisdale - He Said She Said

Ashley Tisdale - He Said She Said[400p].avi
Link Download:

Kamen Rider Fouze 2011 [OnGoing] 24

Kamen Rider Fouze 2011 [OnGoing]

The series focuses on Gentaro Kisaragi, a second-year student at Amanogawa High School (天ノ川学園高校 Amanogawa Gakuen Kōkō, "Amanogawa" translates as Milky Way) who has a bad-boy image but seeks to make friends with those he meets at the school by forming a Kamen Rider Club for investigating the urban legends of the past Kamen Riders in the area. He is joined in the club by Kengo Utahoshi, who has a strange switch-like device called an Astro Switch, along with access through his locker to a lunar base called the Rabbit Hatch (ラビットハッチ Rabitto Hatchi) and the super-bike known as the Machine Masshigler (マシンマッシグラー Mashin Masshigurā), and Yuki Jojima, a self-professed space otaku who also knows of the Astro Switches and the lunar base. They are opposed by third-year student Miu Kazashiro, a cheerleader and the self-appointed queen of Amanogawa High; assisted by Shun Daimonji, third-year student captain of the school's American football team; Tomoko Nozama, a first-year student and Goth girl who always carries around her tablet computer; and JK, another first-year student who often trades secrets for favors. The second-year homeroom teacher and classic literature teacher is Sarina Sonoda, who all of her students trust, and Chuta Ohsugi serves as the school's geoscience teacher. There is also a mysterious red-eyed man who is seen around Amanogawa High who gives out mysterious items called Zodiarts Switches (ゾディアーツスイッチ Zodiātsu Suitchi), which transform people into constellation-themed monsters known as Zodiarts (ゾディアーツ Zodiātsu)
Link Download:
vl kamen rider fourze 24 720p 6044b1bb - Date upload: 8/3/2012 1:02 AM Size: 256.67 MB
vl kamen rider fourze 24 400p 8f4fc26b - Date upload: 8/3/2012 1:02 AM Size: 154.22 MB

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ashlee Simpson - L.O.V.E

Ashlee Simpson - L.O.V.E.[464p]
Link Download:
Ashlee Simpson - L O V E Megafun vn - Date upload: 5/3/2012 7:32 PM Size: 29.90 MB

Ashlee Simpson - Boyfriend

Ashlee Simpson-Boyfriend [400p].avi
Link Download:
Ashlee Simpson - Boyfriend Megafun vn - Date upload: 5/3/2012 7:32 PM Size: 50.76 MB

[IDOP Fansub] One Piece 537

One Piece
One Piece is an anime series based on the manga of the same title by Eiichirō Oda. Produced by Toei Animation, and directed by Konosuke Uda, Munehisa Sakai and Hiroaki Miyamoto, the series debuted in Japan on Fuji TV on October 20, 1999.
Link Download:
idop one piece 537 720p c4a72a6d - Date upload: 5/3/2012 4:26 AM Size: 309.30 MB
idop one piece 537 400p 385bd01b - Date upload: 5/3/2012 4:26 AM Size: 171.85 MB

Fairy Tail Eps 119

Fairy Tail
Link Download:
[mini-Kyuubi] Fairy Tail 119 [720p] [AM-TEAM] - Date upload: 5-Mar-2012 Size: 90.38 MB

Sunday, March 4, 2012

[mini-MrCheese] One Piece 538 [360p][Omw] Eng Subt

One Piece
One Piece is an anime series based on the manga of the same title by Eiichirō Oda. Produced by Toei Animation, and directed by Konosuke Uda, Munehisa Sakai and Hiroaki Miyamoto, the series debuted in Japan on Fuji TV on October 20, 1999.
Link Download:
[mini-MrCheese] One Piece 538 [360p] [Omw] - Date upload: 4-Mar-2012 Size: 59.74 MB

[IDOP Fansub] One Piece 536

One Piece
One Piece is an anime series based on the manga of the same title by Eiichirō Oda. Produced by Toei Animation, and directed by Konosuke Uda, Munehisa Sakai and Hiroaki Miyamoto, the series debuted in Japan on Fuji TV on October 20, 1999.
Link Download:
[IDOP] One Piece 536 [400p] [A15D79EA] - Date upload: 4-Mar-2012 Size: 172.09 MB
[IDOP] One Piece 536 [720p] [AE47CC47] - Date upload: 4-Mar-2012 Size: 309.37 MB

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Kamen Rider Fouze 2011 [OnGoing] 23

Kamen Rider Fouze 2011 [OnGoing]

The series focuses on Gentaro Kisaragi, a second-year student at Amanogawa High School (天ノ川学園高校 Amanogawa Gakuen Kōkō, "Amanogawa" translates as Milky Way) who has a bad-boy image but seeks to make friends with those he meets at the school by forming a Kamen Rider Club for investigating the urban legends of the past Kamen Riders in the area. He is joined in the club by Kengo Utahoshi, who has a strange switch-like device called an Astro Switch, along with access through his locker to a lunar base called the Rabbit Hatch (ラビットハッチ Rabitto Hatchi) and the super-bike known as the Machine Masshigler (マシンマッシグラー Mashin Masshigurā), and Yuki Jojima, a self-professed space otaku who also knows of the Astro Switches and the lunar base. They are opposed by third-year student Miu Kazashiro, a cheerleader and the self-appointed queen of Amanogawa High; assisted by Shun Daimonji, third-year student captain of the school's American football team; Tomoko Nozama, a first-year student and Goth girl who always carries around her tablet computer; and JK, another first-year student who often trades secrets for favors. The second-year homeroom teacher and classic literature teacher is Sarina Sonoda, who all of her students trust, and Chuta Ohsugi serves as the school's geoscience teacher. There is also a mysterious red-eyed man who is seen around Amanogawa High who gives out mysterious items called Zodiarts Switches (ゾディアーツスイッチ Zodiātsu Suitchi), which transform people into constellation-themed monsters known as Zodiarts (ゾディアーツ Zodiātsu)
Link Download:
vl kamen rider fourze 23 720p 39270124 - Date upload: 3/3/2012 3:20 AM Size: 256.57 MB
[VL] Kamen Rider Fourze - 23 [400p] [01FD5C96] - Date upload: 3/3/2012 7:19 AM Size: 154.23 MB

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kamen Rider Fouze 2011 [OnGoing] 22

Kamen Rider Fouze 2011 [OnGoing]

The series focuses on Gentaro Kisaragi, a second-year student at Amanogawa High School (天ノ川学園高校 Amanogawa Gakuen Kōkō, "Amanogawa" translates as Milky Way) who has a bad-boy image but seeks to make friends with those he meets at the school by forming a Kamen Rider Club for investigating the urban legends of the past Kamen Riders in the area. He is joined in the club by Kengo Utahoshi, who has a strange switch-like device called an Astro Switch, along with access through his locker to a lunar base called the Rabbit Hatch (ラビットハッチ Rabitto Hatchi) and the super-bike known as the Machine Masshigler (マシンマッシグラー Mashin Masshigurā), and Yuki Jojima, a self-professed space otaku who also knows of the Astro Switches and the lunar base. They are opposed by third-year student Miu Kazashiro, a cheerleader and the self-appointed queen of Amanogawa High; assisted by Shun Daimonji, third-year student captain of the school's American football team; Tomoko Nozama, a first-year student and Goth girl who always carries around her tablet computer; and JK, another first-year student who often trades secrets for favors. The second-year homeroom teacher and classic literature teacher is Sarina Sonoda, who all of her students trust, and Chuta Ohsugi serves as the school's geoscience teacher. There is also a mysterious red-eyed man who is seen around Amanogawa High who gives out mysterious items called Zodiarts Switches (ゾディアーツスイッチ Zodiātsu Suitchi), which transform people into constellation-themed monsters known as Zodiarts (ゾディアーツ Zodiātsu)
Link Download:
[VL] Kamen Rider Fourze - 22 [720p] [CF741880] - Date upload: 1-Mar-2012 Size: 253.92 MB
[VL] Kamen Rider Fourze - 22 [400p] [D974AE5C] - Date upload: 1-Mar-2012 Size: 152.62 MB

Sample text

Sample Text